As part of Coaching Week I participated in a class on using journaling in coaching with an expert named Lynda Monk, who is part of the International Association for Journal Writing. We began with an exercise she called a “journaling sprint”. Beginning with a few deep breaths, Lynda asked us to write for 2 minutes using...

Management expert Ken Blanchard is credited with saying, “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” I learned this concept from Jody Moore, a master certified...

When I had my first group life coaching experience, led by my cousin Teresa Porter, I was introduced to affirmations. “An affirmation is simply a statement that affirms or declares an intent or desire”, says Rev. Connie L. Habash, author of Awakening from Anxiety, a psychotherapist, spiritual mentor, yoga teacher, and...

I decided to start sharing some of my favorite personal development books on the blog, hopefully once a month! I love reading these types of books and thought this would be a good way to keep me reading them :) This week I’m going to share some thoughts and exercises from the book Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar. The back...

One of the best ways to start “Living on Purpose” is to work with a life coach! Are you wondering what a coach can do for you? Trust me, everyone can benefit from having a coach. Remember the list from my first post? Some of the benefits are: Structure, strategy, and support Accountability Eliminate tolerations and...

Once you have chosen to live on purpose, you don’t need to completely revamp your life all at once. Just lean into it, bit by bit. Start living your purpose more fully every day. C.S. Lewis said “We are always falling in love or quarreling, looking for jobs or fearing to lose them, getting ill and recovering, following...

Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If it doesn’t fit, don’t do it. Explore your reasons for doing something, your “why”, and move forward with purpose! This is important in relation to your personal goals and especially your professional life. You will be more energized, motivated and resilient...

One tool you can use to guide you in becoming who you want to be is a personal manifesto. What is a personal manifesto you might ask? It’s a declaration of who you will be or what you want for your life. It should use uplifting, motivating and present tense language. It can be as short or as long as you like. It will...

My kids have Spring Break this week so I am taking a break too, both from them and with them! So my message today is to take a break when you need it, because you will be so better when you come back. See you next week!

One way to “live on purpose” is to be a scientist of yourself. Explore the things you love to do and what comes easily to you. Think about the times you’ve experienced real joy…is there a common theme? We learn a lot about ourselves as we discover what we enjoy and are capable of. Our desires and careers change because...